After the purchase you will immediately receive a Wrath of the Lich King Northrend Heroic Upgrade license key which includes:
✔️Level 70 Character Boost;
✔️Expert Riding Skill for Boosted Character;
✔️Appropriate Gear for the Boosted Character, a Mount, and Starting Gold;
✔️Pebble, a penguin pet;
✔️Fishspeaker’s Lucky Lure, a toy to summon your very own tuskarr fishing companion.
This is a restricted product and it can be activated ONLY on European World of Warcraft accounts and played ONLY at European realms.
Requires World of Warcraft Subscription (game time).
Wrath of the Lich King Classic IS INCLUDED with your WoW Subscription.
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Log into your account at:
http://eu.battle.netIf you dont have European World of Warcraft account then create it: Games & Subscription ( -> +CREATE STARTER ACCOUNT -> Europe -> Create account
Claim the received key: